Onwards and Upwards
Hold Steadfast To That Which is Yours
Te Pikinga Kia Mau Ki To Mana
Kia toa moupiri tikai tei rauka lakoe

Principal's Welcome

Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Talofa lava, and Hello
I am Haydn Wright the new Tumuaki of Tainui Full Primary School. I have enjoyed my start here and feel grateful to be back in the community where I spent my high school years. Tainui is a great place to work and be. I am privileged to have invested staff who love the community where they work. It makes a world of difference knowing that staff have the best interest of the tamariki.
I am looking forward to empowering akonga here to live up to the school vision of “Onwards and Upwards – Hold Steadfast To That Which is Yours || Te Pikinga Kia Mau Ki To Mana || Kia toa moupiri tikai tei rauka lakoe ||. I am sure I will compliment and add on to the wonderful work that has happened in the past.
Please feel free to come into school and introduce yourself while I settle into my role. Thank you for the warm welcome already.
Ngā mihi nui,
Haydn Wright
Raukawa Pepeha
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Whakauru te maunga
Ko Whakauru te awa
Ko Te Kaokaoroa o Pātetere te rohe
Ko Tainui te kura
My canoe is Tainui
My mountain is Whakauru
My river Whakauru
My tribe is South Waikato
My school is Tainui

Tainui Values

Newsfeed and Events
Monday, February 17
- Anne in Big idea support
- All Day
- DIBELS Benchmark testing (yrs 3-8)
- Week 3
- M&M professional thinking meeting
- 8:15 am – 8:30 am